With the statement that most people are lazy. How is it possible that we ourselves are fine when everyone else is to blame? If you are born in our opinion, that people are lazy, lazy, reluctant, stupid, selfishly, etc., It may be worth such generalities pass through the filter self-assessment. According to Susan Fowler no one wants to be bored and lazy. People often take challenges and difficult tasks. They want to grow and learn. Development in any field is not stimulated by the prosecution, tension, fear, or rewarding. Development requires choices, building connections and learning competence. These three factors support the motor of development, which is the motivation for action. From the article, Susan Fowler quote the explanation of the three factors influencing motivation. The author claims that they are supported by scientific research. By the way I connect this with motivation at school. 1. For motivation must be able to choose Man needs a sense of their own choice and control over what chooses. Let’s look at this matter from the school – Does the student have a choice, for example, what will be taught? But we teachers and education authorities require student involvement in science. Why do we accept this contradiction? 2. For motivation is needed to interact with the commitment to do the work we need to feel part of a group performing the work. You have to have a sense of engagement of the task in which noble cause. By acting in a group can contribute to something larger than when we work alone. Let’s look at the school. At school student check in his individual action. Tests are written individually. Yes, projects are often done in groups, but they are not the main method of teaching. We want the students in adulthood could work in a team, and the school require individual work …. 3. For the motivation needed competencies to the task are needed competence and a sense that he has it or can get it. What is needed is a sense of efficiency. If we are not confident that we can achieve success, it is our energy to weaken or even block. Let’s look at the school. Is convince the student that will cope, it is able to achieve the success that can learn and acquire the right competencies? Mostly, unfortunately, we do not strengthen the students, but rather require them to what is assumed curriculum. There is little appreciation in school and accompany the student in the progressive education skills and achieving goals. I think it is worth considering the conditions before the three be surprised that our students are not motivated to learn. Note about the author: Danuta Sterna – was a mathematics teacher and the school principal, substantive expert in the School learners (SUS) (led by CEO and PAFF), author of books and publications for teachers, promote formative assessment in Polish schools. This entry comes from her blog platform in partnership Edunews.pl – www.osswiata.pl. Source: article by Susan Fowler Smarftbrief.com / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 4740 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ https://www.edunews.pl/badania-i-debaty/opinie/4740-jak-wplywac-na-motywacje ‘contenttitle:’ How corrupt the motivation? ‘ , hidInputComment: ‘You must input comment.’, hidInputWordInComment: ‘Th s words are too long you should add more spaces between them ‘, hidEndEditText:’ Please exit spell check before Submitting comment ‘, hidInputName:’ You must input name ‘, hidInputEmail:’ You must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘You must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’, textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘Reply comment’ , textCheckSpelling ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 4740 & wound = 1304411899” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘https://edunews.pl/’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’ function (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘4740’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / Distance learning is still in doubt and wonder. About this method of teaching we asked the experts who collaborate with the National Center for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education in the framework of the European project “Model of system implementation and dissemination of distance learning for life.” Convenience Distance learning is a convenient form of learning for both students and teachers. “From the point of view of the student and teacher working in a modern remote education system the most important advantage is the freedom of action – no time limits, and spatial organization. Each participant of the education process provided access to a computer and the Internet can log on to the educational system when it is free time in your schedule – even in the middle of the night. With the exception of synchronous learning sessions (eg. Audio and video conferencing) is usually not necessary to simultaneously participate in the classes “- tells Martha Dziubińska, an expert in the field of distance learning. Everything in the network To enjoy the benefits of this method of teaching just a computer and an Internet connection. “Those who have reservations as to the effectiveness of this form of education, I would like to see several arguments. First, significantly increases the number of people having access to the Internet and using computers to handle their everyday professional or personal matters. It is in this situation, remember that the network can find ready-made solutions for many tasks or problems, “- says Bogdan Skotnicki – teacher in distance education. “Everyone will look for yourself what is it necessary to learn and, therefore, the teacher is no longer the only source of knowledge, and the student can use many other good and valuable sources. The role of the teacher is wise to guide the learner in the learning process. KNO very important it is also that the student can adapt their pace of learning to individual needs and capabilities, which can not always be realized in the stationary system: class-lesson. Distance learning makes it possible to re-use a variety of teaching resources to consolidate acquired knowledge and self-control. “- says Bogdan Skotnicki. In a word – it’s worth! It is worth investing your time and take advantage of the possibility of remote mode of teaching, the more that is not lost on efficiency, but on the contrary – to gain greater comfort. (Source: National Center for Supporting Vocational and Continuing Education) / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 1337 ‘, commenttype’ 1 ‘jacomentUrl’ https://www.edunews.pl/nowoczesna-edukacja/e-learning/1337-czas-na-nuke-wypowiedzi-ekspertow ‘contenttitle’ time @ n Uke – expert statements’, hidInputComment: ‘You must input comment.’, h idInputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail ‘ your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply’ reply comment ‘, textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 1337 & wound = 1734602156” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘https://edunews.pl/’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’ function (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘1337’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / The company Telltale started the second part of the interactive show “Sam & Max”, which can be viewed directly on the Internet. Until recently, the concept of the show we associate with television productions. Today, we extend its meaning. Here are the great production of the entertainment industry, which combines the format of the show with interactive games and comics form. “Sam & Max” is jedenastoodcinkowy (three still in preparation) series about the adventures of the famous in the United States a pair of original characters – deadly serious dog Sam and strongly twisted, psychotic rabbit Max, who seek to overcome the most unlikely and absurd puzzles, for example. Must go in space, to discover what is causing the Moon moves away from Earth. Their adventures are a parody of the show’s many famous detective, hence their adventures always accompanied by great interest in the audience. So it is now, despite the fact that for all the episodes you have to pay approx. $ 35. Telltale indeed skillfully promoted its production, using methods similar to placing on the cinema screens of great films. The originator of the adventures of Sam and Max Steve Purcell, who called them to life in comic books published in 1987. In 1993. Their adventures were transferred to the computer game “Sam & Max Hit the Road”, and ten years later zagościli Fox TV format animated series. This time, Purcell has partnered with Telltale on the continuation of the adventures of Sam and Max in the form of an interactive show on the Internet. Their adventures are already available on the www.telltalegames.com, and the series has already been nominated for Eisner’a for the best comic book in digital format. The emergence of forms of web-series creates new opportunities for edutainment. It is worth recalling that the educational content smuggled since the mid-70s of the twentieth century in the popular series on different continents of the world have contributed significantly to raising the level of awareness in the area of health care, healthy living, personal finance. If the web series will also enjoy great popularity as television, edutainment developers should not underestimate this form of communication. / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 116 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ https://edunews.pl/narzedzia-i-projekty/edutainment/116-seriale-juz-nie-tylko-w-telewizji ‘contenttitle’ no longer just Series television ‘, hidInputComment:’ You must input comment. ‘, hidInputW ordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail ‘ your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply’ reply comment ‘, textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** essay writer website / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 116 & wound = 1389482324” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’).
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