9 Game of Thrones Prop Bets You Can Still Profit From at Bovada

Game of Thrones returned for its 8th and final season on Sunday night. It didn’t fail, as HBO’s massive hit show showcased a litany of highly anticipated reunions in addition to some revelations.
Read on at your own peril, as this post includes Game of Thrones spoilers in case you have not seen the majority of the series and particularly the very first episode of this new year.
There were some touching moments such as Jon Snow seeing sister Arya Stark for the first time since the death of their father. There was an awkward one with essentially nobody in Winterfell knowing how to get their new queen, Daenerys.
Then there was the final moment, and in case you haven’t caught up to the stage, I’ll spare you from a needless spoiler. It’s an enjoyable one, however, and certainly invisibly into episode two and beyond.
We are running out of time to start tying up loose ends and to shut this narrative with no feeling hurried, yet there’s so much to pay.
Nothing too crazy happened in episode one, other than Jon Snow learning that he is the true heir to the Iron Throne. Snow has not always been the fastest to pick things up, but I must think he soon figures out that means Daenerys is his aunt.
And, yeah.
But beyond some meetings and some crucial news being relayed, we didn’t advance the narrative too much. I am certain that calls for a pretty explosive episode , but with this much ground to cover, I have to think a ton of Game of Thrones prop bets will begin blowing up before our very eyes.
Many still stand strong at Bovada, however. That’s true for wagers you’ve already set, but little really happened in episode one there are still a bunch of Game of Thrones odds at Bovada for wagers you may hop on right now.
Let us go over the top ones, their odds, and how you may want to bet on them.
Cersei Lannister Prop Bets
Queen Cersei appeared in episode one, and she didn’t die. She did stay absolutely dreadful, however.
In fact, she tightened her marriage with Euron Greyjoy more than ever, as two of the most hated Game of Thrones characters got married at the biblical sense.
That was gross to view, but it may have tied both in the hip, and I am not sure what that means for their future.
When Can Cersei Die?
That does make you wonder if Queen Cersei will actually meet her passing. It’s tough to eradicate such a powerful and impactful character in any way, not as early in the final season.
However, just five episodes remain in one of the best television shows ever, and no character is too important to be spared. Notably one loathed up to Cersei.
Bovada asks when she will satisfy the gods, whether they’re the new or the aged.
Episode 5 or 6 -500 Episode 4 or 3 +400 Doesn’t Die +550 Episode 1 or two +5000
We are really just getting started here, and the trajectory of the series might actually be going in the opposite order I expected it to. Together with the Night King’s army quickly moving towards Winterfell, it is quite possible the humans will have to win the war against the dead and then worry about Cersei and any of their deadly enemies.
If that’s true, I really don’t see how Cersei expires until the end of the series. There is a small chance she is simply taken prisoner for every one of her evil deeds, but I expect the good guys to win in the end.
It doesn’t offer a whole lot of betting value, but that doesn’t mean it’s the incorrect play.

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